3 min readJan 28, 2020


When next you are in Belfast, visit Ulster Museum

The Ulster Museum in Belfast was founded in the 1821. It has changed name, location and management over the years, and is now run as public institution by a registered charity.

It is highly regarded as "the perfect place to take time out to explore art, ancient and modern history and the natural world."

The magnificent building housing its collections was opened in 1929. Inside, there are four levels of breathtaking works or Irish and global art, history and the natural sciences.

On the first floor, for example, you'll learn about Ireland and its long history of glass making.

"The glass houses working in Ireland employed many English workers and drew inspiration from the styles that were fashionable in England," a background to the exhibition notes.

Then there is the section on Chinese ceramics, which beginnings date back to 8000 years ago.

"People in the western world only became aware of Chinese ceramics in the 17th century when trade links with China developed," according to the exhibition summary.

